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/ Games of Daze / Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso / x2ftp / msdos / mxcode / ampegsrc / encodsrc

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
common.h Text File 567 17KB 1994-01-04
decode.c Text File 739 24KB 1994-01-04
encoder.h Text File 512 15KB 1994-11-20
fixes.txt Text File 442 11KB 1993-10-15
isorel.txt Text File 378 13KB 1993-10-15
makefile Makefile 5 186b 1994-12-09
musicin.c Text File 1,231 37KB 1994-11-20
readme.txt Text File 186 7KB 1993-10-15
readme2.txt Text File 39 724b 1994-01-04

Other Files (6)
common.c Unknown 48KB 1994-01-04
encode.c Unknown 53KB 1994-01-04
musicout.c Unknown 19KB 1994-11-20
psy.c Unknown 19KB 1994-01-04
subs.c Unknown 6KB 1994-01-04
tonal.c Unknown 37KB 1994-01-04